报告题目:Designs from Boolean functions
报 告 人:吴严生 教授
There exists a strong and profound connection between combinatorial designs and Boolean functions. For instance, two construction techniques for designs based on (n, m)-bent functions are widely known: translation designs and addition designs. The main focus of this paper is to construct designs using Boolean functions. Firstly, we present a general construction method for designs derived from Boolean functions. As applications, we obtain various classes of designs, some of which demonstrate the Symmetric Difference Property (SDP), by selecting specific Boolean functions. Additionally, we also explore the relationship between our constructed designs, addition designs, and translation designs.
吴严生,南京邮电大学校聘教授。欧洲数学会《数学文摘》、美国数学会《数学评论》评论员。2021年江苏省百篇优秀博士论文获得者。2021年入选南京邮电大学首届华礼拔尖人才计划。2019年毕业于南京航空航天大学,获得理学博士学位,导师岳勤教授。2019年9月至2020年8月,在韩国梨花女子大学数学研究所从事博士后研究工作,合作导师Yoonjin Lee教授。2023年3月至2024 年2月,在香港科技大学计算机科学与工程学系做访问学者,合作导师丁存生教授。以第一或通讯作者在JCTA、IEEE TIT、DCC、FFA等国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇。目前主持在研国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目各一项、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、2022 年南京留学人员科技创新项目择优资助 B 类项目等。主要研究方向为代数编码理论、密码函数。
报告题目:Binary Linear Codes from Boolean Functions
报 告 人:王小强 副教授
Boolean functions have very nice applications in coding theory and cryptography. In coding theory, Boolean functions have been used to construct linear codes in different ways. The objective of this paper is to construct binary linear codes with few weights using the defining-set approach. The defining sets of the codes presented in this paper are defined by some special Boolean functions and some additional restrictions. First, two families of binary linear codes with at most three or four weights from Boolean functions with at most three Walsh transform values are constructed and the parameters of their duals are also determined. Then several classes of binary linear codes with explicit weight enumerators are produced. Some of the binary linear codes are optimal or almost optimal according to the tables of best codes known maintained at http://www.codetables.de, and the duals of some of them are distance-optimal with respect to the sphere packing bound.
王小强,湖北大学副教授,硕士生导师。2019年于华中师范大学获博士学位,导师刘宏伟教授;随后于香港科技大学和湖北大学继续从事关于代数编码方面的博士后工作,合作导师为丁存生教授和曾祥勇教授。主要研究密码、编码及其相关的数学理论。近年来在线性码、BCH码等领域做出了⼀系列成果,主持国家自然科学基金1项、湖北省面上基金1项,在国内外重要学术期刊《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Designs, Codes and Cryptography》和《Finite Fields and Their Applications》等发表论文40余篇。2024年入选武汉市优秀青年人才。