报 告 人:林金官 教授、博士生导师
林金官,教授、博士生导师,曾任东南大学统计学科带头人、江苏省重点学科负责人、东南大学数学系副主任(分管教学、研究生)。现任南京审计大学统计与j9九游会官网副院长(主持工作)、统计科学与大数据研究院院长。2000年以来, 在国内外核心期刊上发表论文一百余篇,其中高质量论文收录论文八十余篇;主持国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、教育部博士点基金、江苏省自然基金等项目16项;获国家统计局全国统计科研优秀成果奖一、二等奖、江苏省统计科研优秀成果奖、南京市自然科学优秀学术论文奖等6项。至目前,已培养博士生13人,培养硕士生数十人,另先后与8位博士后进行合作研究。目前兼任2013-2017年度教育部统计学类教学指导委员会委员、中国现场统计研究会工程概率统计分会副会长、中国现场统计研究会资源与统计分会副会长、江苏省概率统计学会秘书长、中文核心期刊《应用概率统计》、《数理统计与管理》杂志编委等。
This talk proposes a semiparametric threshold asymmetric stochastic volatility model(STASV) for the financial time series of asset returns. The model capture simultaneously the asymmetries in the the mean and variance as well as in the leverage effect, and it also allows unknown distribution for the return innovation. The asymmetries in this paper is described by a threshold non-linearity structure. Nonparametric modelling approach called penalized density for the return innovation is adopted. Maximum likelihood estimation method based on the efficient important sampling(EIS) and penalized density is taken into account to estimate the model parameters. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed method in estimating the proposed semiparametric threshold asymmetric stochastic volatility model. The results demonstrate that the parameter estimates using the proposed method has a good performance. Implementation on empirical studies also illustrates the validity of the proposed method in practice.